Dr. Rajesh Bhola
Feb 21, 2014
Feb 21, 2014

come across persons who have an innate quality of being so good at
heart, so pure and spontaneous, that it does not take time for anybody
to fall in love with them. Even a brief talk will them makes you feel
the simplicity and innocence of their minds. Such persons indeed fly
freely, like clouds in a blue sky. These enlightened persons are mature
enough to simply enjoy life as it is, and by doing so liberate
themselves. When we develop this courage, to live life as it is - not
craving for external facelifts, not spending time on manipulations, not
feeling the desire for artificiality, no longer running away, feeling
well grounded - we too will experience a profound calmness. We will feel
no burden. It will be akin to walking in the woods without disturbing a
blade of glass or entering the water without making a ripple.
Unfortunately, most of us live very complex lives, which move too fast,
deliver too little and demand too much. We are always troubling
ourselves to get the next new thing - whether clothes or even friends.
While life can be quite simple, we insist on making it complicated. We
should learn to cultivate simplicity. An austere lifestyle also has
larger ramifications on our general attitude.
often succumb to the pushes and pulls of various ‘demands’. With a host
of opportunities in today’s society, the pressure and demand to take
advantage of them (all) is overwhelming. In both small and big ways,
the drive for ‘more’ has taken over our lives. We do not know where we
are or where we are going, or what should be our pace. We are
constantly feeling pushed to be every thing and to have everything, at
the earliest possible; and as a result we live in a continual state of
stress. This driven lifestyle has left our souls at unease. We need to
change our pattern of life. We need to learn the art of running the race
at a different, more meaningful speed, with self imposed speed-breakers
and barriers. We need to break free from the high speed, high pressure,
high demand and guilt-producing disease of our lives, by taking to
simplicity. Simplicity is never achieved by strategic, managerial
attempts to schedule our lives, but by living close to nature and loving
people. When something is done with a sense of love, it makes our
effort also seem simple. As we learn to love people, we experience a
shift from the complex to the simple, from a hurried life to a peaceful
primary spiritual question is: ‘how do we wish to spend our life’s
time?’ We should work hard, commit ourselves to important causes and
also have time for relationships, spiritual practices, self-care and
social involvement. While not every aspect of our work and domestic
lives is inherently joyful, we need to seek a lifestyle that allows us
to play with children, be with our loved ones and rejoice in simple
things - such as following the flight of birds across the sky or
observing a butterfly on a summer day. If we live simply, others may
too. Our lifestyles contribute to the joys and sorrows of others. In
this interdependent world, whatever any of us do, matters to the planet
Earth and to our earthly companions - both human and non-human. In fact,
we find peace when our interest widens from self-concern to the
well-being of the larger whole; we also gain in spiritual stature. There
are so many conflicting messages out there, about how we are supposed
to live, that keeping our faith simple…becomes difficult. It is
difficult to strip away all the complications, to get back to living by
the basics. Simplicity is probably one of the hardest disciplines to develop.
can start polishing our beliefs by first getting rid of the things that
clutter and cloud our judgments; we can take out some time for
solitude, to really reflect on things. Simplicity means making things
clearer, cleaner and easier to understand – leading to a basic shift in
our core values. As we develop an internal simplicity, its external
demonstration will follow. No, we do not have to give up everything…but
our status on Earth will not be our status in Heaven. Simplicity gives
us more time to focus on what is important in our lives; it provides
opportunities for reflection; and it provides space, so that a more
contemplative frame of mind can open up - leading to deeper insights,
clearer understanding, and to liberation through wisdom. Being simple is
indeed a gift.
great Buddhist saint, Nagarjuna, moved around with only a loincloth and
a golden begging bowl gifted to him by the King - who was his disciple.
One night he was about to lie down among the ruins of an ancient
monastery when he noticed a thief lurking behind one of the columns.
“Here, take this,” said Nagarjuna, holding out the golden begging bowl;
“you won’t then disturb me once I have fallen asleep.” The thief eagerly
grabbed the bowl and made off - only to return the next morning, with
the bowl and a request. He said, “When you gave this bowl so freely
last night, you made me feel very poor. Please teach me how to acquire
the riches that make possible this kind of light-hearted detachment.”
We lack time for others, for our relationships…and even for ourselves. We
either ‘put it off’ or just do not know how to get started. We always
feel that we will catch up on relationships when a business deal is
completed or when we finish a project or when a child finishes his/her
studies. This ‘some day’ will not come, unless we take a pause, and
decide to simplify our lives. In our frantically driven, complex
lifestyle, we suffer from fatigue, shallow relationships and fractured
families. Yes, the rat-race effect has even spilled over to our
families. We have started to expect the impossible from our kids. We
want that they should be very good at studies and sports, and also be
rock-stars! We recently lost a 16-year-old, who committed suicide -
despite scoring 90% in the Boards, he felt he had done poorly and had
disappointed his parents.
Dr. Rajesh Bhola is President of Spastic Society of Gurgaon and is working for the cause of
children with autism, cerebral palsy, mental retardation and multiple
disabilities for more than 25 years. He can be contacted at rabhola@yahoo.com
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