Dr. Rajesh Bhola
May 09, 2014
May 09, 2014

of my friends lives in Amritsar just behind the Golden Temple. I have
been visiting him for the last thirty years. The daily routine of his
father is to get up at 3.30am and leave for the Golden Temple, for
cleaning all the stairs surrounding the sanctum sanctorum. Since the
tender age of 14 he has been doing this everyday. He is not performing
any religious ritual; he is living out a relationship that he has
developed between himself and the Supreme God through the medium of
this gurudwara. When I sit with him to seek his blessings he often
says, “We must find God, the Spirit. We have to seek a personal
relationship; it needs no external demonstration. We can find it within
our own heart, in the secrecy of our most intimate feelings. It is not
something to discuss with others; nobody can really help us. While
cleaning the stairs I worship Him and see His presence in every stair. I
sing some ‘shabads’ while doing my job; and He is also my reason to
sing. In doing so my soul feels content and I am filled with joy. I find no better solace or comfort than Worship.
I prefer to be a keeper of the stairs in the House of God. I am happy
to remain in His service.” Think for a moment about a place we would
love to go – it could be a place in the city or country. It would be the
kind of place that would make our heart beat a little faster, get our
adrenaline flowing; the type of place where we would feel like shouting
or singing or standing in breathtaking silence and awe. It might be
somewhere we are blessed to go or a dream destination. Would a temple,
church or gurudwara, an abode that gives us peace and contentment, be
such a destination? In today’s world, at an early part of life the youth
might be so positively inclined; but when they grow up they start
feeling that all such organised religious institutions are ‘not the real
thing’ – and not necessary for a good life. They even forget to
remember God. All it takes is a certain positive attitude of thought and
emotion towards the Almighty. He is worthy of our Worship.
Worship means to be humble, and to feel like a little child in the
presence of a Supreme Spirit that is the supporter of the Universe.
Worship has the power to touch and transform our lives – and even whole
communities. Worship should lead to a feeling of joy, and help us face
challenges and heartbreaks ‘joyfully’. Our hearts should learn to rejoice in the memory of our Lord.
Worship also means living a life that is surrendered to God - of
singing praises of, or bestowing glory on, God. We have to ask nothing
from Him – being occupied and satisfied with Him alone. We worship God
only when we can truly enter His holy place, His presence. While
praise to God is often seen, Worship is secret - only God knows who the
true worshippers are; praise can sometimes be distant, whereas Worship
is always intimate. In Hinduism, Worship is the expression of
devotion, reverence and love for the Lord, of a keen yearning to be
united with Him and of a spiritual thirsting to hold a conscious
communion with Him. The devotees pray to the Lord to grant them intense
devotion and remove their veil of ignorance. They visualise the form of
the Lord with closed eyes and enjoy supreme peace and bliss. Worship is
an effort on the part of the devotee to reach, to be in the presence of,
God or the Supreme Self. It consists of all those observances and
practices, physical and mental, by which the aspirant makes steady
progress in the realm of spirituality and eventually realises in
him/herself - in his/her heart - the presence of God. Worship of the
Lord purifies the heart, generates harmonious vibrations, steadies the
mind, harmonises the five sheaths…and eventually leads to communion,
fellowship or God-realisation. Worship gradually transmutes man into a
divine being. Worship changes our mental substance and destroys egoism,
lust, hatred and anger. It turns the mind inward and induces self
introspection. As per the Vedas, Worship eventually brings the
devotee face to face with the Lord, frees him/her from the cycle of
births and deaths and confers on him/her immortality and freedom. The
mind becomes that on which it meditates - in accordance with the analogy
of the wasp and the caterpillar. Just as we think, so we become.
There is a mysterious, inscrutable power in Worship that unites the
worshipper and the worshipped. The Bhagvad-Gita states, ‘But by devotion
to me alone, I may thus be perceived’. For a worshipper it is necessary
that he has his/her own guiding deity to whom he/she should surrender.
It is also said that one can enter into Samadhi through Worship or
meditation. Worship leads to spiritual advancement and uplift, and the
acquisition of higher virtues. Hindu scriptures lay deep emphasis on
religious consciousness. In the Hindu system there can be two types of
Worship: concrete meditation and abstract meditation. Worshippers
are taken, step by step, to higher stages of devotion and Samadhi (or
communion), through the Worship of idols. Though they ostensibly worship
a physical idol, they have to keep the image of the all-pervading Lord
foremost in their mental eyes. They have to feel His presence in their
hearts and in all objects – in His many manifestations. The person
who burns incense, scented sticks and camphor before the idol says: “All
shine after Him. His effulgence alone illumines the whole world.” Hindu
scriptures and saints have helped take many aspirants, delicately but
deliberately, from the lower to the higher forms of Worship. The Hindus
believe that symbols are useful in helping to fix the mind, for the
development of concentration; they serve as concrete pegs to hang their
spiritual ideas and convictions on. They are not needed by an advanced
Yogi or sage. A symbol is like a slate, which is useful for most in the
first standard. However, those who did or do not need it should not pass
judgements on those that did and do feel the need.
human soul makes many attempts to grasp and realise the infinite or the
absolute, according to its strength or degree of evolution. It soars
higher, gathers more strength and eventually merges itself within the
Supreme and attains Oneness. There is a wonderful analogy with
electricity. Electricity exists, but unless we can convert and
concentrate it through a generator it will not flow through the cables
and light up our lamps. Let us therefore get connected to that Source
through Worship, by increasing our moments of Divine stillness.
Rajesh Bhola is President of Spastic Society of Gurgaon and is working
for the cause of children with Autism, Cerebral Palsy, mental
retardation and multiple disabilities for more than 25 years. He can be
contacted at rabhola@yahoo.com
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