Can we Prepare for Destiny?

  • Dr. Rajesh Bhola
  • India
  • Jun 27, 2014

Life seems to be going on smoothly. Then, one day, ‘destiny strikes’. Suddenly, the things we had come to rely on are threatened. A loved one takes seriously ill…or dies. Destiny, unfortunately, cannot be bargained with. Last week a young couple came to see me, accompanied by their teenaged son who is afflicted with Cerebral Palsy (CP). The father told me of the terrible burdens he was labouring under. His child had been doing fairly well, despite severe locomotor dysfunctions (like a lack of control of his neck) that had confined him to a wheelchair. The mother had given up a promising career as a senior executive in a nationalised bank and dedicated herself to her child’s welfare. She had got attuned to carrying out the commands (not always clear) given by the child. One morning the child, now otherwise grown up, had suddenly started wetting his bed. He was diagnosed as having urinary inconsistence. Objectively seen, the situation had been just as bad for 18 years. So why was this being seen as crisis time? It seems that both the parents had inwardly set themselves to cope with the status quo - without expecting any more compounding of the medical condition. They were somehow holding on to the belief that the medical situation of their child was better than other more challenged CP children. Unfortunately, it was now becoming rapidly obvious that destiny had intended otherwise. This couple was near their ‘tolerance’ limit. They felt exhausted. In such circumstances there is probably no God to call to account. Suffering simply is. There is no denying it and there is no one to blame – not even ourselves.
As a design, destiny is present at several levels. Cosmic Destiny includes inexorable events of nature like births and deaths, earthquakes and volcanoes, pleasures and raptures. Genetic Destiny consists of our biological inheritances. Cultural Destiny entails family backgrounds and social traditions. Circumstantial Destiny incorporates crises, such as social catastrophes or accidents. Even though a destiny may be traumatic, it forces us to struggle for creativity. The process involves awareness, acknowledgement, co-operation, engagement, confrontation and challenge, while encountering and ‘managing’ destiny. Some philosophers conceive destiny as positive, and fate as negative - but they cannot be separated. The ‘negative’ element in fate is integral to destiny. However, just waiting for destiny to act would imply an end of purpose of all our actions. The most baffling aspect of human existence is the role of destiny in the lives of people. Many are the instances when even those who uphold Dharma face difficulties, while many of those who hold power and pelf manage to live well in spite of unrighteous living. The contrast to destiny is free will, but free will could be an illusion, if we consider that our actions are the outcome of several unknown brain-mental processes. There are certain areas in which man is free to exercise his will, where he can choose between good or bad, right or wrong, and for which he will be held responsible. On the other hand, there are areas in which man has little choice of his own, and appears to be a pawn in the hand of the mover. The general plan of things in nature, which covers and controls the destinies of nations and peoples, is one such area. Destiny is also referred to as ‘kaal chakra’ in Hindi mythology. It is a notion sometimes referred to as ‘block time’. The cosmic arrangement is already following its laws; humans remain in harmony through God’s laws.
We have to accept the reality of our existence. Sometimes, things appear to be just impossible. However, just like someone keeps swimming to keep himself alive in the middle of the ocean, we must keep doing whatever we have to. We should have the willpower to skillfully overcome and succeed. We always have a choice, and that choice is predestined – precisely because we were going to choose that. For good or for bad. We are passengers travelling through this landscape in a vehicle that is our own energy field, containing our spiritual, emotional, mental and physical bodies. This vehicle is transported through this landscape by the same unseen Driver that transports all vehicles on their paths here on this planet. We do not really observe the passage of time. What we actually observe is that the later states of the world differ from the earlier states that we still remember. The fact that we remember the past, rather than the future, is an observation not of the passage of time but of the asymmetry of time and the constant changing pattern of destiny. The flow of time is subjective, not objective. This is the same time that appears to move so slowly when we are children, and increases in speed as we age.  Yet, at any age, it seems to move so slowly when we are waiting for something we want to happen, and to move so quickly when we are facing a deadline, or are running late. Destiny seems to exist relative to the context within which we view it. If we envision time as the true environment through which our paths lead us, those periods of time would be like countries that all vehicles must pass through.  At a personal level, our lives have periods that contain their own colour; those would be the stations at which our individual vehicles stop, or linger. The longer our vehicle lingers at a particular station, the more of that energy we absorb and carry with us to the next. To put this in physical terms, if you were going to a place where the language and customs were different than yours for a week, you would learn a few words, pick up a few customs and probably forget it all when you return.  However, if you were to find yourself remaining in that place for a number of years, you would adopt the language and customs.  You would begin to think in the new language and take on the new customs as your own.  That experience would be absorbed and integrated into who you are and remain with you even after you have left. You would still be who you were before that journey began – but now enriched by that additional layer of experience. There is another way in which we perceive destiny. This perception is much more indicative of place.  It refers to the experience of time as colour; not as in yellow or green, but how a period of time contains its own (colour of) tone and energy. 
When we prepare for our journey into this life we are perfect souls, with a specific agenda based on the lessons that we want to learn, the growth that we want to achieve and the souls that we want or need in this life – in order to meet our goals.  The soul plans where and when these situations and other souls will be met.  Most importantly, we plan where in the timeline our journey will begin.  That first stop is the most important because we enter it ‘blank’. We are not born when we enter this life…our bodies are born.  We are not created and moulded by our parents; they help create our bodies and enrich us with our first experience The timeline known as ‘childhood’ gives us our first colours; it colours our world as we perceive it and, even more importantly, colours how we perceive ourselves. We absorb the colour of each time as our own – adding a new one or reinforcing an earlier one. We see ourselves and the world through that colour. As we continue on our journey and travel the path of destiny to each new stop, some of that colour chips off because it is not able to weather the conditions at the other stops along the way. In the story of the couple narrated above, it is not that the suffering in the lives of the young couple is unbearable, in the sense of being acutely painful. In some ways the psychological pain of being in flight from the present reality of one’s life can be more disabling. As the parents reach a greater acceptance of the condition of their child, they will bear the pain ‘better’…and even have many moments of happiness.

While the concept of destiny may be highly complicated, since the ultimate ‘decision’ lies in the hands of the all-knowing, all-beneficent and all-wise God, the dictates of ‘justice’ will indeed prevail.

Dr. Rajesh Bhola is President of Spastic Society of Gurgaon and is working for the cause of children with Autism, Cerebral Palsy, mental retardation and multiple disabilities for more than 25 years. He can be contacted at

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