Dr. Rajesh Bhola
Apr 12, 2013
Apr 12, 2013

Living on this planet as a human being is a very diverse and intense experience. When we live a human life, we experience many sensations, thoughts and feelings. As
per Hindu philosophy, this experience is in great contrast to what we
experience at the astral plane – where we enter after we die, and where
we remain in between our various lives. Souls love to be incarnated
in the human form, to gain this special and rare experience of realness
on Earth. There is a deeper meaning behind our travels.
the astral plane there is no lag between the thinking of something and
the realization of it. But on planet Earth, dreams do not always come
true. There is sometimes a huge gap, an unbridgeable distance, between
what we imagine and what we achieve. It is a great struggle to make our
ideas take shape into realities. We face challenges, obstructions and
contradictory impulses and emotions, which blur our view on what is
right and wrong. We often get desperate by the non-compliant nature of
our reality; reality does not always answer our wishes and hopes. Our
creative intentions seem to end up in pain and disillusion. Still, we
find that the experience on Earth cannot be matched by anything at the
astral level. It is a most creative experience, to be able to monitor
and navigate our 'karmas'. We can heal ourselves of a number of wounds
that have been suffered by us in many of our past incarnations. We can
also feel blessed by feeling the pain of others; and by helping cure
those who have been through the same afflictions. Each birth is yet
another chance to perform better, and to hope to attain salvation.
this process, the challenges we meet are our greatest teachers. Despite
a life full of struggle, the experiences are valuable; they help us in
evolving to the next stage. The life at the astral plane, in comparison,
leads to stagnation, and withholding of further evolution – until the
soul again comes for an earthly experience. Our souls can attain
'perfection' or salvation–from the cycles of birth and death–only by
evolving to the level of ‘ego-less-ness’ or the ‘witnessing of
awareness’; we have to learn to become detached witnesses to the
happenings in our lives. Many 'karmic' seeds are needed to be sown, to
reap the harvest of cyclic salvation. Good 'karmas' start purging
the effects of bad 'karmas', and lead finally to purification – of
freeing the 'being' from the cycles of 'karma'. The term 'karma'
embraces both our past and present deeds. 'Karma' is a law in itself,
and operates in its own field. Every time we think or do something,
we create a cause – which in time will bear its corresponding effect.
This cyclical cause-and-effect generates the concepts of the world, of
birth and reincarnation. The soul is constrained to a cycle of rebirth,
trapped within the temporal world, until it finally achieves liberation –
by following a path of purification.
is entirely good. There is goodness all around Him. There is only
light. Human beings were sent by God, with complete ignorance of their
past life and past deeds. The true purpose of their journey is to allow
light to conquer the dark, and create a new type of consciousness. Our
earthly cycle of lives draws to a close when our consciousness is able
to hold all the experiences of duality with equipoise, remaining centred
and fully in the present – moment to moment. Our consciousness swings
when we identify ourselves with only one aspect of duality – light,
opposed to dark; good, opposed to bad; or rich, opposed to poor. 'Karma'
is a natural leveller for the swings that we are engaged in, from time
to time. We release our ties to the 'karmic' cycle, when we arrive at
the central point of motionlessness, on this seesaw. There is a feeling
of stillness, compassion, joy and tranquility at this central point. It
was termed as ‘ataraxia’ by the Greek philosophers; in many oriental
religions it is termed as ‘moksha’. It is a form of perfect tranquility
and imperturbability, which takes us to another level of consciousness.
We get rid of the energies of anxiety and fear; we become more quiet and
open inside – we truly enter another world. It is the turning point. We
start enjoying being with our self. We will start experiencing the
world, and all its beauty, from this state of bliss. There is
emancipation, liberation and freedom from the continuity of afflictions.
The end of craving leads to the end of the circle of rebirths. Bliss resides where there is peace and joy in our heart.
The choice of a life of love, compassion and hardships
is, therefore, a way to rid oneself of the pain caused by moral guilt;
and to perfect qualities that are necessary for the spirit to progress
to a higher form. To get freedom from the constant recurrence of karmic
cycles, it is necessary to be absolved of the past, present and future
grievances. It is an individual's effort to reach the other shore.
But it will be great if we are able to help others also land on the
other side. For this, it is necessary to share unconditional love and
forgiveness with everybody. Let us put our ego and pride aside, and feel
relieved of our 'karmic' obligations – by not feeling angry, by not
hurting anybody, and by forgiving all. All spiritually enlightened
people took this path, for their salvation and emancipation from the
'karmic chakra'.
Dr. Rajesh Bhola
is President of Spastic Society of Gurgaon and is working for the cause
of children with autism, cerebral palsy, mental retardation and
multiple disabilities for more than 20 years.
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